AC 473 IAS Cold-Formed Steel Component Manufacturer Inspection Accreditation
Requirements for Accreditation of Cold Formed Steel Component Inspection
This online training course has been developed in order to provide an in-depth understanding of steel fabrication inspection as it relates to the IAS AC 473 Accreditation Program that services the steel industry for the inspection of Cold Formed Steel Components.
This course will help both inspection agency personnel and fabricators/manufacturers better understand the requirements of the criteria and will add value to your operations and management of an inspection program to meet the requirements of the International Code Council International Building Code, Chapter 17.
Your Instructor
Walter is a practicing Professional Civil Engineer with a specialization in structural design. He has worked in the field since 1980, rising to the level of Vice President of Engineering and Technical Services in 2003, a position he held for 8 years.
In 2015, Walter shifted his focus to conformity assessment of structural civil engineering disciplines and began working as an assessor in Inspection Programs for the Manufacturers of Metal Building Systems, accreditation programs delivered by the International Accreditation Service (IAS). All of these inspection programs are delivered in support of demonstrating conformance to specific requirements of the International Building Code criteria.
Today Walter performs quality assessments as they relate to
(i)AC472 Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Program for Manufacturers of Metal Building Systems sponsored by the International Accreditation Services (IAS/ICC) and
(ii)AC478 Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Practices of Metal Building Assemblers sponsored by the International Accreditation Services (IAS/ICC).
These quality programs are defined to recognize demonstrated compliance by manufacturers and inspection organizations to specific International Building Code (IBC) requirements, overseen by the International Code Council. Each accredited body must operate under a documented quality system described in each of the IAS Accreditation program criteria.
Walter is one of the driving forces behind the delivery of all of these programs for IAS.